4 Ways to Help Boost Productivity

help boost productivity
Picture of Linda Tigrine

Linda Tigrine

Chief Operating Officer

Having a productive workforce is key to running a successful business. Making a few small changes can help to improve the quality of work within your business as well as reducing time wasted on unnecessary tasks. Here are just a few steps you can take to help your team work to maximum productivity…

1. Say Goodbye to Slow Internet Speeds

If you’re struggling along with a slow internet connection at your business, this will have a massive drain on the productivity of your team and it’s easily avoidable. You need to ensure your business is using a business-grade WiFi system and not just an everyday router you can find in most homes these days.

By having a super-fast WiFi connection, like the ones we supply here at Yo Telecom, your team will be able to get on with their work quickly and efficiently (and without having to wait ages for their work to load). At Yo Telecom we guarantee fast internet that reaches even the furthest corner of your building, so your team can work on a laptop or tablet wherever they want! Not only will this help to improve the productivity of your team but it also helps to increase the flexibility of where they can do work from. This means that they don’t have to constantly be tied down to a desk.

2. Save time with CTI

There is nothing more time consuming when on the phone than having to get spellings of names. If your callers connection isn’t great you can waste valuable time trying to establish who is calling and no one likes that awkward moment when asking the customer to repeat themselves. With CTI (computer technology integration) you can integrate your phone system with your client relationship management software (CRM). This means that when you receive a call, your phone system will tell you exactly who is calling so you can bring up their account and make any changes or book in appointments with just the press of a button. This also helps to settle any disputes between team members about who said what to who as you can easily make notes on your CRM while on the call to keep everyone updated with what’s going on. Not only will this save your team loads of time but you can greet your caller by their name, showing great levels of customer service!

3. Communicate From Anywhere with Headset Connectivity

Working at a desk all day can be a tedious task for some and can lead to restlessness in your workforce. By switching to a phone system with headset connectivity your team will be able to walk around your building with freedom and with the confidence that they can make or take calls from anywhere. A happy workforce is a productive workforce and allowing them to move from their desk and be active throughout the day will definitely boost morale.

4. Work on the Go

A hybrid phone system offers you a range of mobility features that can be used to ensure you can work even when you’re not at your office! With voicemail to email, you can have your voicemails from your office phone emailed to your mobile, so if a customer calls you out of hours you won’t miss out on that opportunity! Our hybrid phone systems also have the call transfer feature which allows you to transfer calls to a mobile phone. This is a great feature to have if a lot of your team are based on the road. Instead of hanging up the call and passing on a message, you can simply transfer the call to their mobile phone. This will help to improve your response times!

How can you get This in Place?

If you’re looking to improve the productivity of your team, swap to a hybrid phone system from Yo Telecom!

Our systems are specially designed to increase productivity, create greater customer relationships and make communication a joy! Call us today on 02380 516986 to find out more.

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