Stay Connected to your Remote Workforce

stay connected to a remote workforce
Picture of Max Tomaszewski

Max Tomaszewski

Marketing Coordinator

Future thinking businesses are increasing the flexibility of their workforce – allowing them to work from outside of their main office. But how do you stay connected to a remote team?

01. Divert Calls to a Mobile Phone

If someone calls into your office asking for a member of your remote team you can easily get into a dangerous game of telephone cat and mouse (a lot of messages being left and no one really getting anywhere). If this caller is a prospective customer, chances are they will get extremely frustrated with this poor communication and will head to one of your competitors instead. Similarly, existing customers will begin to get fed up of struggling to get through to you.

With a Yo Telecom phone system, you can divert that call to a mobile phone, allowing you to pass that call through to the correct member of staff. Your customers will love your quick response times and your business will run a lot more efficiently.

02. Conference Calls

If you ever need to have a team meeting but it’s hard to pin everyone down to meet at your office, conference calling will become your best friend. All you have to do is get everyone to dial into the call and you can have your meeting from wherever you and your team members are. You can also use conference calls to help boost motivation within your remote team. By having morning calls with the whole team, you can all catch up with each other and find out how everyone is getting on. By doing this your team will feel more connected and in touch with each other. It can get quite lonely if your team are based at their home or on road so taking the time to have a quick morning call will remind them that they are part of a larger team who are all working towards a shared goal. More motivated employees produce higher levels of work so it’s important to ensure the morale of your remote team is always high.

03. Unified Communications

By introducing Unified Communications to your business your whole team will have access to the same technology that you have at your office. This means that no matter where your team are based they will benefit from great functionality. When everyone has the same access, everyone will be on the same page and no one will have greater facilities than another. It also means that no one has to waste time trying to track down messages, contacts or files. Overall Unified Communications help to create easy collaboration between your team (even if they’re based at opposite ends of the country). Allowing them to work on projects together without face-to-fact interaction.

How can you get This in Place at your Business?

Call us today on 02380 516986. We’ll talk through the needs of your business and help you to find the perfect solution!

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