MacLoed Pinsent

Care Home

Macleod Pinsent Care Homes and Parkview Homes are a family run, long-established Care Group with homes located in and around the Hove area.


Macleod Pinsent Care Homes and Parkview Homes were struggling to get full WiFi coverage across their buildings. Due to the phones relying on the WiFi, staff could not walk freely around the homes without experiencing crackling and drop-outs. The issues were majorly affecting the day to day running of the homes.


This included having problems accessing their care management system, which is a vital part of the service they provide. Whilst their current provider was aware of the issues, they provided nothing in the way of a solution for the problem. They knew they needed to change provider but were understandably hesitant at the idea due to their current situation.


Macleod Pinsent Care Homes and Parkview Homes met with their Yo Telecom Account Manager and talked through what they wanted their new system to do. We then worked with them, suggesting alternative options until we mutually agreed the best way forward.

We surveyed all the buildings to determine exactly how many access points they would need for full coverage, and that the speeds were fast enough for them to efficiently use their care management system. We also agreed to pay their existing termination fees with their current provider. All of which was handled by our dedicated in-house project management team.


After upgrading all of their phones and WiFi to a Yo Telecom system, the staff are now able to walk freely around the homes, access their care management system, and provide the platinum grade level of service that they promise to their residents.


Their concerns with switching providers were alleviated by our “little-to-no” downtime promised with every installation.

We Asked MacLoed Pinsent Why They Chose Yo Telecom For This Project – Here’s What They Said:

Yo telecom called and we spoke to a sales representative, due to the problems with connectivity with our provider at the time, we were very dubious about moving the service.


Derek came out to visit us and to show us what Yo Telecom were able to provide which was a system which would back up to 3G/4G so that we would not lose connectivity. There were case studies of larger homes than ours who were happy with the system which provided us with peace of mind! We were in a contract with our current provider which Yo Telecom helped us to move away from, something we didn’t think was possible.


The install and the aftercare provided by Yo Telecom has been excellent, they have and continue to work hard on our behalf in all aspects, regularly checking in with our services by whatsapp and the office staff working hard to ensure that we are not liable for hefty cancellation charges from our previous provider.

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Ready to get started?

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